API Reference

The Image API enables real-time image manipulation by appending query string parameters to image URLs.


All parameters support Base64 encoding. To utilize it, append "64" to the parameter name and base64 encode the parameter value.


Automatically adjust the brightness and contrast of an image.

GET /image.jpg?auto_fix=true HTTP/1.1
See Example


Automatically adjust the white balance level of an image.

GET /image.jpg?auto_level=true HTTP/1.1
See Example


Disable image autorotation based on EXIF orientation tag. Default value is true.

GET /image.jpg?autorotate=false HTTP/1.1


Apply a blur effect to an image (0 to 100).

GET /image.jpg?blur=100 HTTP/1.1
See Example


Adjust the brightness of an image (-1.0 to 1.0).

GET /image.jpg?brightness=0.5 HTTP/1.1
See Example


Override the awsAuthorization S3 bucket name. Imagizer will continue to use the configure keys or IAM role for authorization to the specified bucket.

GET /image.png?bucket=my.s3.bucket HTTP/1.1


The bucket parameter can be restricted by setting the bucketsAllowedconfiguration or disabled completely using the Allow Dynamic Originconfiguration.


Specify the AWS region using the region parameter. In the absence of the region parameter, Imagizer will attempt to look up the region of the bucket.


Preprocess the image by applying all given parameters first before caching the origin image. All subsequent requests for the original image will return the modified cached version.


Works with POST Requests only.

Example: Perform redeye correction and auto_fix then cache the preprocessed image. The image will be cached at /image.jpg.

POST http://IMAGIZER_HOSTNAME/image.jpg HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data;



Pass an array of query strings to be preprocessed and cached.


Works with Post Requests and Async Requests only.


Make sure to URL encode the cache_queries value.

Example: Preprocess and cache an image with a width of 200px, a width of 400px, and a height of 500px.
The following URLs will be processed and cached /image.jpg, /image.jpg?width=200, /image.jpg?width=400, and /image.jpg?height=500.

POST http://IMAGIZER_HOSTNAME/image.jpg HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data;



Applies an overall color to an image. This parameter takes an RGB value, hex, or color name.

GET /image.jpg?colorize=rgb(255,0,0) HTTP/1.1
See Example


Custom colors may be defined using the presetColors configuration.


Adjusts the intensity of the colorization. This parameter accepts an integer from 1 to 100. The default value is 1.

GET /image.jpg?colorize=green&colorize_intensity=50 HTTP/1.1
See Example


Adjust the contrast of an image (-1.0 to 1.0).

GET /image.jpg?contrast=1 HTTP/1.1
See Example


Crop the image. There are eight different crop modes. See below for details on each.


Both the width and height parameters are required.


Crop any excess image data outside the given width and height dimensions, after scaling has been completed. The crop will be centered on the image. The output image will match the dimensions precisely as given.

GET /image.jpg?width=400&height=300&crop=fit HTTP/1.1
See Example


Crop any excess image data outside the given width and height dimensions, after scaling has been completed. Crop from the top of the image down. The output image will match the dimensions precisely as given.

GET /image.jpg?width=400&height=300&crop=top HTTP/1.1
See Example


Crop any excess image data outside the given width and height dimensions, after scaling has been completed. Crop from the bottom of the image up. The output image will match the dimensions precisely as given.

GET /image.jpg?width=400&height=300&crop=bottom HTTP/1.1
See Example


Scale an image to the given dimensions and fill the extra space with the given pad_color. The default pad_color is white.

GET /image.jpg?width=400&height=300&crop=pad HTTP/1.1
See Example


Zoom in on an image during rotation and crop out any extra white space.


Requires the rotate parameter.

GET /image.jpg?rotate=30&crop=zoom HTTP/1.1
See Example


Stretch an image to the given dimensions. The output image will match the dimensions precisely as given while ignoring the original aspect ratio.

GET /image.jpg?width=250&height=250&crop=stretch HTTP/1.1
See Example


Crop the image around any detected faces.

GET /image.jpg?crop=face HTTP/1.1
See Example


Detect and return the area of interest of the image, crop out insignificant areas.

GET /image.jpg?crop=entropy HTTP/1.1
See Example


Return a region of the image. The region is specified by four numbers representing x-coordinate, y-coordinate, width, and height separated by commas.

GET /image.jpg?crop=160,435,300,300 HTTP/1.1


Use center in place of the x-coordinate or y-coordinate values to automatically detect the center of the image.


If the width parameter set it gets processed first. So when you generate custom crop values, make sure they are based on the scaled image.

See Example


Set the device pixel ratio (DPR). The device pixel ratio is the ratio between physical pixels and logical pixels. For example, the device pixel ratio of an iPhone 7 is 2, because the physical resolution is double the logical resolution.

GET /image.jpg?dpr=2&width=300 HTTP/1.1


The width and/or height parameters are required.

See Example


Adjust the fill flash of an image (0 to 1).

GET /image.jpg?fill_flash=1 HTTP/1.1
See Example


Apply various effects to the image. Imagizer offers 20 different filters.

GET /image.jpg?filter=2 HTTP/1.1
See Example


Remove the alpha channel (transparency) from the image. Removing the alpha channel reduces the resulting image size, and therefore, can improve image delivery times.

GET /image-trans.png?flatten=1 HTTP/1.1


Use the pad_color parameter to specify the background color.

See Example


Flip the image horizontally. To flip vertically, first rotate the image by 180 degrees.

GET /image.jpg?flip=true HTTP/1.1
See Example


Set the output format of the image. Supported output formats are JPEG, PNG, WEBP, and MP4.

GET /image.png?format=webp HTTP/1.1


Not all browsers support WEBP. Please see the supported browser list here.


The mp4 format will be ignored unless conversion is performed on a GIF image.

See Example


Automatically format the image into the most optimized version supported by the client. The default format is WEBP. If the client does not support WEBP, the output format will be set to JPEG, or PNG if the image has transparency.

GET /image.png?format=auto HTTP/1.1
See Example


Adjust the gamma of an image (-1 to 1).

GET /image.jpg?gamma=1 HTTP/1.1
See Example


Scale the image by the given height. The aspect ratio of the source image will be used to calculate the width.

GET /image.jpg?height=200 HTTP/1.1


You may also use the h alias (h=200).

See Example


If both the width and height are supplied, the image will be scaled to fit within the bounds of both dimensions while preserving the aspect ratio. Use the crop parameter to fit the image in the exact size specified.


Adjust the brightness of the image highlights (-1 to 1).

GET /image.jpg?highlights=1 HTTP/1.1
See Example


Override the Host header on the origin request to the image storage.

GET /img.jpg?host_header=images.example.com&origin=example.com HTTP/1.1


Works well with the origin parameter.


Set the output image as an interlaced (progressive) image.

GET /image.png?interlace=true HTTP/1.1


Supports PNG and JPEG only.

See Example


Combine multiple images and text layers into one image. The layers parameter accepts a JSON array of layer objects.

GET /image.jpg?layers=<JSON> HTTP/1.1


URL encoding of the JSON string is required for most clients.

Image layer object

urlA relative or absolute URL to the layer image.
posThe position of the layer. Possible values are left, right, top and bottom (default center).
scalePercentage to scale the layer to the source image. (default 100).
upscaleWhen true allow upscaling of the layer image. (default: true).
xThe X coordinate of the layer.
yThe Y coordinate of the layer.
alphaPercentage of the transparency of the layer. (default 100).
offsetThe number of pixels to offset the layer from the given position (default 0).
requiredWhen true return an error when any individual layer fetch fails.

The JSON can look something like this:

    "url": "/image-trans.png",
    "pos": "top|left",
    "scale": 50
    "url": "/image-trans.png",
    "pos": "top|right",
    "scale": 30
    "url": "/image-transparent.png",
    "pos": "bottom|left",
    "scale": 20
    "url": "/image-transparent.png",
    "pos": "bottom|right",
    "scale": 60
See Example

Text layer object

In addition to Image Layer attributes, the Text Layer uses the following attributes:

colorThe color of the text.
fontThe font family, style and size in one declaration. Font size will increase the text quality. Use scale to change the size.
textThe text string to display.

Generates text in italic.

  "text": "Some text",
  "font": "italic"

Generates text in font size 20.

  "text": "Some text",
  "font": "20"

Generates text in Arial Bold.

  "text": "Some text",
  "font": "Arial Bold"

Combine all of the elements together.

  "text": "Some text",
  "font": "Arial italic 20"

The JSON string can look something like this:

    "font": "arial bold 20",
    "text": "red",
    "color": "red",
    "pos": "top",
    "scale": 30
    "font": "Times 20",
    "text": "green",
    "color": "green",
    "pos": "center",
    "scale": 30
    "font": "italic 20",
    "text": "blue",
    "color": "blue",
    "pos": "bottom",
    "scale": 30
See Font List
font familyStyles
Andale MonoRegular, normal
Arial BlackRegular, Standard
ArialRegular, Bold, Italic
Bitstream CharterRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic
Century Schoolbook LBold, Italic, Bold Italic, Roman
Comic Sans MSRegular, normal, Bold
Costar BrownRegular, Light, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic, Light Italic
Courier 10 PitchRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic
Courier NewRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic
DejaVu SansBold, Oblique, Bold Oblique, Book, Condensed, Condensed Bold, ExtraLight
GeorgiaRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic
ImpactRegular, Standard
Liberation MonoRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic
Liberation SansRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic
Liberation Sans NarrowRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic
Liberation SerifRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic
Nimbus Mono LRegular, Regular Oblique, Bold, Bold Oblique
Nimbus Roman No9 LRegular, Regular Italic, Medium, Medium Italic
Nimbus Sans LRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic, Regular Condensed, Bold Condensed, Bold Condensed Italic
Open SansRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic, Semibold, Extrabold, Light
Playfair DisplayRegular, Black, Medium, Bold, Italic, SemiBold, Bold Italic, ExtraBold Italic, SemiBold Italic, Medium Italic, Black Italic, ExtraBold
RedHat DisplayRegular, Black, Medium, Bold, Italic, Light, SemiBold, ExtraBold, Black Italic, SemiBold, SemiBold Italic, Light Italic, ExtraBold Italic, BoldItalic
SpartanRegular, Light, Medium, Thin, Black, Bold, SemiBold, ExtraBold, ExtraLight
Standard Symbols LRegular
Times New RomanRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic
Trebuchet MSRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic, Standard
URW Bookman LLight, Light Italic, Demi Bold, Demi Bold Italic
URW Chancery LMedium Italic
URW Gothic LBook, Book Oblique, Demi, Demi Oblique
URW Palladio LBold, Bold Italic, Italic, Roman
UtopiaRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic
VerdanaRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic
WebdingsRegular, normal
See Example


Provides the location of the watermark image. May be a relative or absolute path.

GET /image.jpg?mark=<URL> HTTP/1.1
See Example

Watermarking can be globally set by using the ImageParamsAllowed config.


Adjust the watermark alpha (0-100 where 0 means fully transparent and 100 is fully opaque).

GET /image.jpg?mark=<URL>&mark_alpha=true HTTP/1.1


Requires the mark parameter.

See Example


Scale the watermark to a percentage of the smallest dimension.

GET /image.jpg?mark=<URL>&mark_scale=60 HTTP/1.1


Requires the mark parameter.

See Example


Position the watermark within the source image. Possible values are top, right, bottom, and left; the default position is center.

GET /image.jpg?mark=<URL>&mark_pos=top HTTP/1.1


Requires the mark parameter.

See Example


Offset the watermark position by a given percentage.

GET /image.jpg?mark=/image-trans.png&mark_pos=top&mark_offset=40 HTTP/1.1


Requires the mark and mark_pos parameters.

See Example


When true upscale the watermark image to better cover the image. The default value is false.

GET /image.jpg?mark=<URL>&mark_upscale=true HTTP/1.1


Requires the mark and mark_scale parameters.

See Example


When true, return an error if the watermark image request fails, rather than returning an image missing the watermark.

GET /image.jpg?mark=<URL>&mark_required=true HTTP/1.1


Return image metadata, including EXIF, and dominate color in JSON format.

GET /image.png?meta=true HTTP/1.1
See Example

/image.jpg?meta=trueopen in new window

  "fileSize": 4428575,
  "width": 4032,
  "height": 3024,
  "fileType": "jpeg",
  "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
  "hasAlpha": false,
  "colorSpace": "srgb",
  "exif": {
    "ApertureValue": "2159/1273",
    "BrightnessValue": "3497/314",
    "DateTime": "2017:04:02 16:08:21",
    "DateTimeDigitized": "2017:04:02 16:08:21",
    "DateTimeOriginal": "2017:04:02 16:08:21",
    "ExifImageLength": 3024,
    "ExifImageWidth": 4032,
    "ExifOffset": 180,
    "ExifVersion": "48, 50, 50, 49",
    "ExposureBiasValue": "0/1",
    "ExposureMode": 0,
    "ExposureProgram": 2,
    "ExposureTime": "1/3690",
    "Flash": 24,
    "FNumber": "9/5",
    "FocalLength": "399/100",
    "FocalLengthIn35mmFilm": 28,
    "ISOSpeedRatings": 20,
    "Make": "Apple",
    "MeteringMode": 5,
    "Model": "iPhone 7",
    "Orientation": 1,
    "ResolutionUnit": 2,
    "SensingMethod": 2,
    "ShutterSpeedValue": "29588/2497",
    "Software": 10.3,
    "SubjectArea": "2015, 1511, 2217, 1330"
  "faces": [],
  "server": {
    "host": "ip-10-0-1-96",
    "ip": ""
  "dominateColor": "#4C719F"


Return facial coordinates along with meta data.

GET /image.png?meta=true&face=true HTTP/1.1


Requires the meta parameter.

See Example
  "fileSize": 215707,
  "width": 1710,
  "height": 1140,
  "fileType": "jpeg",
  "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
  "hasAlpha": false,
  "colorSpace": "srgb",
  "exif": {
    "ColorSpace": 65535,
    "ExifOffset": 90,
    "ExifVersion": "48, 50, 50, 49",
    "Orientation": 1,
    "Software": "Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Macintosh)"
  "faces": [
      "xPos": 926,
      "yPos": 524,
      "width": 137,
      "height": 137
      "xPos": 1012,
      "yPos": 311,
      "width": 140,
      "height": 140
      "xPos": 516,
      "yPos": 228,
      "width": 200,
      "height": 200
      "xPos": 1163,
      "yPos": 148,
      "width": 157,
      "height": 157
      "xPos": 125,
      "yPos": 362,
      "width": 285,
      "height": 285
  "server": {
    "host": "ip-10-0-1-81",
    "ip": ""
  "jpeg": {
    "colorspace": 2,
    "sampling-factor": "2x2,1x1,1x1"


Include the image data, embedded in the metadata JSON object, as a base64 string.

GET /image.jpg?meta=true&include_image_data=true HTTP/1.1


Requires the meta parameter.

See Example
  "fileSize": 4428575,
  "width": 4032,
  "height": 3024,
  "fileType": "jpeg",
  "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
  "hasAlpha": false,
  "colorSpace": "srgb",
  "exif": {},
  "faces": [],
  "imageData": "...",
  "server": {
    "host": "ip-10-0-1-96",
    "ip": ""


Override the image storage backend server.

GET /image.png?origin=http://images.example.com HTTP/1.1


The origin parameter can be restricted by setting the Hostname Allowed config or disabled completely using the Allow Dynamic Origin config.


Add padding around an image with a given pad_color as a hex string. The default color is white.

GET /image.jpg?pad=30 HTTP/1.1


See the crop parameter to automatically pad images.

See Example


Set the color of the padding.

Some of the predefined values are: white, black, red, green, blue, yellow, magenta, and cyan. pad_color will also accept a hex string (e.g. fff, ffffff).

GET /image.jpg?pad=30&pad_color=555 HTTP/1.1


Requires the pad, crop, rotate, or flatten parameters.


Use pad_color=0000 to pass transparent.

See Example


Set the image quality. A lower setting will reduce the file size. Possible value ranges from 1 to 100. The quality of the initial image will be applied if the quality parameter is not explicitly set. If the initial image quality cannot be detected, a quality of 90 will be applied.

GET /image.jpg?quality=80 HTTP/1.1
See Example

auto New!

The value of auto will automatically determine the optimal quality for the image to achieve the smallest file size while maintaining the perceived visual quality.

Imagizer employs binary search and image similarity algorithms to make multiple attempts at compressing the image. It then compares the results with the original image to identify the best quality setting.

The algorithm is based off the jpeg-archiveopen in new window library.

GET /image.jpg?quality=auto HTTP/1.1
See Example


Use the quality_attempts, quality_method, quality_preset, quality_target, quality_min, and quality_max parameters to customize the auto quality behavior dynamically.

See the Auto Quality config reference to customize the default values and presets.


The auto quality setting is resource intensive and will take longer to process than a fixed quality setting.

quality_attempts New!

The number of binary search steps to perform when using the quality=auto. The default value is 6. Lowering this number will reduce the processing time but may result in a lower quality image.

GET /image.jpg?quality=auto&quality_attempts=3 HTTP/1.1

quality_method New!

Specify the image comparison algorithm to use for auto quality. The default value is ssim.

GET /image.jpg?quality=auto&quality_method=mpe HTTP/1.1
ssimStructural Similarityopen in new window
mpeMean Pixel Erroropen in new window
smallfryLinear-weighted BBCQ-like Smallfryopen in new window

quality_preset New!

Specify the preset target for the image compare algorithm. The default value is medium.

GET /image.jpg?quality=auto&quality_preset=medium HTTP/1.1
See Example

quality_target New!

Specify the target for the image compare algorithm. This parameter takes precedence over the quality_preset parameter.

GET /image.jpg?quality=auto&quality_target=.99 HTTP/1.1
See Example

quality_min New!

Specify the minimum quality setting to use when compressing the image. The default value is 40.

GET /image.jpg?quality=auto&quality_min=25 HTTP/1.1

quality_max Coming soon!

Specify the maximum quality setting to use when compressing the image. The default value is 90.

GET /image.jpg?quality=auto&quality_max=80 HTTP/1.1



At present, the recognition feature is exclusively accessible through our cloud service. https://cloud.imagizer.com.


Detect if an image contains nudity.

GET /image.png?recognition=nsfw HTTP/1.1
See Example

Example JSON response object:

  "nsfw": {
    "nudity": {
      "confidence": 98.48,
      "value": false


Utilize the recognition capability to detect and retrieve a collection of labels that describe the image. With recognition, you can identify numerous objects such as vehicles, pets, or furniture, accompanied by a confidence score. Additionally, recognition is capable of detecting various scenes within an image, such as a sunset or beach.

GET /image.png?recognition=labels HTTP/1.1
See Example

Example JSON response object:

  "labels": [
      "Name": "Animal",
      "Confidence": 98.966850280762
      "Name": "Horse",
      "Confidence": 98.966850280762
      "Name": "People",
      "Confidence": 98.813423156738
      "Name": "Human",
      "Confidence": 98.749732971191
      "Name": "Cafe",
      "Confidence": 87.56616973877
      "Name": "Vehicle",
      "Confidence": 83.645690917969
      "Name": "Bazaar",
      "Confidence": 71.16487121582
      "Name": "Market",
      "Confidence": 71.16487121582
      "Name": "Carriage",
      "Confidence": 67.355987548828
      "Name": "Horse Cart",
      "Confidence": 67.355987548828


Apply red-eye correction to any detected faces.

GET /image.jpg?redeye=true HTTP/1.1
See Example


Override the awsAuthorization S3 region.

GET /image.png?bucket=my.s3.bucket&region=us-west-1 HTTP/1.1


Requires the bucket parameter.


Provide a custom address for a specific host and port pair. Using resolve, you can perform origin image fetches using a specified address which will prevent the otherwise normally resolved address to be used.

GET /image.png?origin=https://www.example.com&resolve=www.example.com:80: HTTP/1.1


Requires the origin parameter.


Rotate the image clockwise N degrees.

GET /image.jpg?rotate=90 HTTP/1.1


Many JPEG files have a tag in the header giving the image orientation. If there’s an orientation tag, Imagizer automatically applies and removes it. Use autorotate=false to disable that function.


Rotating the image by degrees smaller than 90 will result in padding the background. Use the zoom crop to auto crop out the padding or use the pad_color to set the padding color.


Use the angle parameter to rotate the image counterclockwise.

See Example


Adjust the saturation of the image (-1 to 1).

GET /image.jpg?saturation=1 HTTP/1.1
See Example


Adjust the brightness of the image shadows (-1 to 1).

GET /image.jpg?shadow=1 HTTP/1.1
See Example


Set the overall strength of the sharpening effect (1 to 100).

GET /image.jpg?sharp_amount=100 HTTP/1.1
See Example


Set the size of the edges to enhance (1 to 100).

GET /image.jpg?sharp_amount=100&sharp_radius=100 HTTP/1.1


Requires the sharp_amount parameter.

See Example


Provide the full URL of the origin image including the hostname.

GET /?source_url=http://example.com/image1.jpg?width=100 HTTP/1.1


The source_url parameter can be disabled in config.


Strip all EXIF data from the image. In some cases you can significantly reduce an image file size by stripping EXIF data.

GET /image.png?strip_exif=true HTTP/1.1


Trim the image to remove a border around the image. By default the border color white is trimmed. See trim_color to change the color.

GET /image.png?trim=color HTTP/1.1
See Example


The color to trim when trim=color.

Some of the predefined values are: white, black, red, green, blue, yellow, magenta, and cyan. trim_color will also accept a hex string (e.g. fff, ffffff).

GET /image.png?trim=color&trim_color=555 HTTP/1.1


Requires the trim parameter.

See Example


Adjust the vibrance of an image (-1 to 1).

GET /image.jpg?vibrance=1 HTTP/1.1
See Example


Adjust the warmth of an image (-1 to 1).

GET /image.jpg?warmth=1 HTTP/1.1
See Example


Scale the image by the given width. The aspect ratio of the source image will be used to calculate the height.


You may also use the w alias (ex: w=200).

GET /image.jpg?width=200 HTTP/1.1
See Example
Last Updated:
Contributors: Nicholas Pettas, mikhail