
Suitable for clients with on-premise data centers who would like to launch Imagizer in their own environment. Imagizer On-Premise provides flexibility to utilize Imagizer features without changing your current workflow. Support for many virtualization platforms.

Please contact us for more information.

Getting Started

Nventify will provide a virtual machine disk image in the requested format, typically an OVA, VMDK, or QCOW2. Since creating a VM will depend on the hypervisor, please refer to your hypervisor's documentation. As a guideline, use the following settings when creating the VM.

  • Type: Centos 8 or Redhat 8 (64 bit)
  • CPU: Intel
  • Cores: >= 4
  • Memory: >= 2GB per core
  • Disk Controller: virtio or scsi


Imagizer will default to a DHCP network. See Cloud Init or VMWare Customization Specificationsopen in new window for custom network configurations.

Aws EC2

Use the pre-shared Imagizer AMI on your account or import an OVA or VMDK.

VMWare VSphere ESXi 6.7 U2 and above

The provided OVA file will contain everything needed to start an Imagizer VM.


Imagizer uses Cloud Init and VMWare tools for network and Imagizer configurations. See the Clout Init docsopen in new window for more information.


Custom scripts through Vmware tools and Cloud Init user data are not supported. Only Imagizer JSON config is supported through user data.


Imagizer will default to a DHCP network. Use Customization Specificationsopen in new window to configure a custom network with a static IP.

Imagizer Config

Use the guestinfo.userdata extra configs property to pass Imagizer JSONopen in new window config.

Example Imagizer Config using govcopen in new window

govc vm.change \                                                                                                                                                                                   ─╯
    -vm imagizervm1 \
    -e guestinfo.userdata.encoding=base64 \
    -e guestinfo.userdata=$(echo '{"backend":"http:\/\/images.example.com"}' | { base64 -w0 2>/dev/null || base64; })

Libvirt (QEMU)

Example QEMU KVM VM creation

virt-install --import --noautoconsole \
    --virt-type=kvm \
    --name imagizer \
    --memory 4096 \
    --vcpus=2 \
    --os-variant=centos8 \
    --network=bridge=bridge0,model=virtio \
    --disk path=./imagizer-enterprise-14.X-XX.X.qcow2,size=20,bus=virtio

Cloud Init

Use Cloud Initopen in new window to configure a custom network or pass Imagizer JSON config.

Imagizer comes with Cloud-init installed and supports many different data sourcesopen in new window. Below is an example of a NoCloudopen in new window configuration, which can be used with any hypervisor.


See the Cloud-Init network config documentationopen in new window for detailed network configs. Imagizer supports the Networking Config Version 1.

# Generate a unique instance id.
echo 'instance-id: i-imagizer1' > meta-data

# Generate a network config.
# The mac address should match your network interface.
# Use lowercase letters!
echo '
version: 1
  - type: physical
    name: eth0
    mac_address: "00:0c:29:81:40:ab"
    - type: static
      address: ""
      netmask: ""
      gateway: ""
  - type: nameserver
    - ""
' > network-config

# Optionally, pass some Imagizer JSON config as user data.
# Note: Any non-imagizer config will be ignored.
# See: https://docs.imagizer.com/config_reference/
echo '{"backend": "images.example.com"}' > user-data 

# genisoimage may also be used
mkisofs -output seed.iso -volid cidata -joliet -rock {user-data,meta-data,network-config}


The instance-id provided (i-imagizer1 above) is what is used to determine if this is “first boot”. So if you are making updates to network-config you will also have to change that or start the disk fresh.

Example QEMU KVM VM creation with Cloud Init

virt-install --import --graphics vnc --noautoconsole \
    --virt-type=kvm \
    --name imagizer \
    --memory 4096 \
    --vcpus=2 \
    --os-variant=centos8 \
    --network=bridge=bridge0,model=virtio,mac=00:0c:29:81:40:ab \
    --disk path=./imagizer-enterprise-14.0-83.0.qcow2,size=20,bus=virtio \
    --disk path=./seed.iso

Virtual Box

Use the provided OVA file to import into Virtual Box. If the instance fails to boot, change the disk controller to VirtIO SCSI.

Last Updated:
Contributors: Nicholas Pettas